

  1. 2021年,藤黃果與白腎豆萃取物對於台灣肥胖成人之臨床評估     台灣成人,持續8週,2800mg,不飲食控制下,能維持  腰圍、臀圍,降低AST穩定空腹血糖。
  2. 2007年,藤黃果中水溶性烴化檸檬酸鈣對泰國肥胖女性的短期治療效果:脂肪組織與體重的降低     泰國,30-40女性,1000kcal/day,持續2個月,體重減輕2.8kg。
  3. 2006年,增補羥基檸檬酸對減重與運動表現的影響    台灣,維持2週,可增加飽足感,減少或維持體重。安全劑量2800mg/day HCA。
  4. 2005年,Efficacy of a novel calcium/potassium salt of (-)-hydroxycitric acid in weight control   每餐30-60分鐘給,2800mg/day HCA,2000kcal/day,快走30分/day/week,BMI減少5%,LDL減少12.9%和TG減少6.9%,  HDL增加8.9%。
  5. 購買資訊蝦皮購物|全館滿99免運|美國代購


藤黃果與白腎豆萃取物對於台灣肥胖成人之臨床評估       Back

盧志輝(Chih-Huei Lu)  楊宗翰(Tsung-Han Yang)  吳志忠(Chih-Chung Wu)  董家堯(Jia-Yau Doong)  林佩瑩(Pei-Ying Lin)  江啟銘(Chi-Ming Chiang)  林建良(Chien-Liang Lin)  謝淑玲(Shu-Ling Hsieh)

臺灣營養學會雜誌 372 (2012 / 06 / 01) P75 - 84

過重與肥胖是許多國家嚴重的公衛問題。本研究使用藤黃果萃取物Garcinia cambogia extract)與白腎豆萃取物(Phaseolus vulgaris extract)對台灣地區的過重成年人進行八週的臨床評估。本研究共募集到114位過重成年人,以隨機分組之方式將所有受試者分為三組:藤黃果萃取物組(使用Super CitriMax)、白腎豆萃取物組(使用Phase 2)與安慰劑組(使用Maltodextrin),每天分別介入2800mg的藤黃果萃取物、白腎豆萃取物或安慰劑,持續八週,介入期間不限制受試者的飲食,並於第0週起每兩週對受試者進行一次營養教育與身體測量,而血液生化檢驗分別於第0週與第8週時進行。實驗結果顯示,體位測量在第8週與第0週時相比,安慰劑組受試者於腰圍、臀圍、大腿圍都有顯著增加,藤黃果萃取物組受試者有維持腰圍、臀圍、腰臀比的效果,白腎豆萃取物組受試者則亦在臀圍、腰臀比有維持的效果。在血液生化分析的結果可發現藤黃果萃取物組受試者8週後具有降低AST與穩定空腹血糖的效果,白腎豆萃取物組8週後具有提高HDL的效果。


藤黃果中水溶性烴化檸檬酸鈣對泰國肥胖女性的短期治療效果:脂肪組織與體重的降低     Back

Chulaporn Roongpisuthipong  Rungthiwa Kantawana  Wanjarus Roongpisuthipong

Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 161 (2007 / 03 / 01) P25 - 29

Fifty obese women with a body mass index (BMI) over 25 kg/m^2 were randomly allocated into two groups, 25 in each. Group 1, with a mean (±SEM) age of 40.0±2 years, received water soluble calcium hydroxycitrate (HCA) as Garcinia atroviridis. Group 2, with a mean age of 35.6±1.8 years, received placebo. All subjects were recommended a similar diet with 1000 Kcal/day. The trial lasted for 2 months. At baseline the means BMI of Group 1 and Group 2 were 27.5±0.2 kg.m^-2 and 26.7±0.5 kg.m^-2, respectively. Group 1 lost significantly more weight (2.8 vs. 1.4 kg, p0.05) and at a greater rate than Group 2 throughout the study. The decrease in their body weight was due to a loss of fat storage as evidenced by a significant decrease in the triceps skin fold thickness. On a short-term basis, HCA in Garcinia atroviridis was an effective for weight management.


增補羥基檸檬酸對減重與運動表現的影響      Back


中華體育季刊 203 (2006 / 09 / 01) P18 - 27

羥基檸檬酸的學名為藤黃果,因結構近似於人體內的檸檬酸,進而影響人體能量代謝,因此具有促進脂肪代謝與抑制脂肪氣化的作用。在近十年內,有不少研究者紛紛提出增補羥基檸檬酸的效果,以減重而言,增補羥基檸檬酸長達兩週以上,可能有助於增加飽食成進而減少體重或維持體重,其安全劑量範圍宜控制在2800mg/day HCA4667mg/day HCA-SX。在運動表現方面,部分研究指出增補羥基檸檬酸有助於促進耐力性運動表現、提升脂肪氣化與降低運動中的呼吸交換率等效果,但亦有文獻提出相反結果。由於目前將羥基檸檬酸應用於運動表現方面的研究仍相當有限,因此有持更多的研究加以釐清羥基檸檬酸在人體內扮演之角色。

Randomized Controlled Trial

Efficacy of a novel calcium/potassium salt of (-)-hydroxycitric acid in weight control   Back

The weight-loss efficacy of a novel, water-soluble, calcium-potassium salt of (-)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA-SX) was re-examined in 90 obese subjects (BMI: 30-50.8 kg/m2). We combined data from two previously reported randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies in order to achieve a better statistical evaluation based on a larger population. This re-examination of data also allowed us to reflect more intensely on various aspects of weight loss studies. Subjects were randomly divided into three groups: group A received a daily dose of HCA-SX 4, 667 mg (providing 2,800 mg HCA per day); group B was given a daily dose of a combination of HCA-SX 4,667 mg, niacin-bound chromium (NBC) 4 mg (providing 400 microg elemental chromium), and Gymnema sylvestre extract (GSE) 400 mg (providing 100 mg gymnemic acid); and group C received a placebo in three equally divided doses 30-60 min before each meal. All subjects were provided a 2,000 kcal diet/day and participated in a supervised walking program for 30 min/day, 5 days/week. Eighty-two subjects completed the study. At the end of 8 weeks, in group A, both body weight and BMI decreased by 5.4%, low-density lipoprotein(LDL) and triglycerides(TG) levels were reduced by 12.9% and 6.9%, respectively, while high-density lipoprotein(HDL) levels increased by 8.9%, serum leptin levels decreased by 38%, serotonin levels increased by 44.5% and urinary excretion of fat metabolites increased by 32-109%. Group B demonstrated similar beneficial changes, but generally to a greater extent. No significant adverse effects were observed. The combined results confirm that HCA-SX and, to a greater degree, the combination of HCA-SX plus NBC and GSE reduce body weight and BMI, suppress appetite, improve blood lipid profiles, increase serum leptin and serotonin levels and increase fat oxidation more than placebo. We conclude that dosage levels, timing of administration, subject compliance and bioavailability of HCA-SX significantly affect results and that when taken as directed, HCA-SX is a highly effective adjunct to healthy weight control.





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